Sunday, April 16, 2006
Stay clear MP3 players because the N-91 is coming!

Nokia, a well-known cell-phone company has announced a release of a new phone (N-91) that has a combination of a 2.0 Megapixel camera, 4GB MP3 player and a cell-phone at the same time. According to Hamel this is clearly a Basis of Differentiation because Nokia have entered a new kind of product in the market that differentiates it from its competitors. This product is considered rare once it hit the market, however its rareness is for a short period of time just like all technological devices where the technology is directly imitated. That’s exactly what happened when Sony Ericsson have launched their MP3 phone. Will these new devices become replacements for MP3 players since cell-phones are dominating our lives at this day, or will it be a substitute for MP3 players? I certainly see an extinction of MP3 players in the coming years. Will you trade your I-Pod in for a Nokia N-91 or a similar device? That’s a question to think about.